domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Cazador De Amor letra y traduccion

35 grados de temperatura
Hace un calor insoportable y no me puedo olvidar
Tomo el telefono y llamo a la operadora
Comunicame con el chico que yo amo
Comunicame con el chico que yo amo

35 grados de temperatura
Siento que todo me da vueltas,
Se que voy a estallar
Desesperada --a la operadora
Vuelva llamelo y digale que lo amo
Vuelva llamelo y digale que lo amo

Mi corazon expresa el amor
Buen cazador
Eres tu y contigo
Yo me siento acabada de nacer (repite)

Aunque solo sea una visita tuya
Aunque sea una llamada cortada
Aunque sean tus palabras trozadas

Quiero oir tu voz
Quiero oir tu voz
Quiero oir tu voz
Quiero oir tu voz


Love Hunter

35 degrees
It's unbearably hot and I cannot forget
I take the telephone and I call the operator
Put me through to the boy that I love
Put me through to the boy that I love

35 degrees
I feel that everything turns me around
I know that I'm going to burst
Desperate - To the operator I say
Go call him and tell him that I love him
Go call him and tell him that I love him

My heart expresses love
You are a good hunter
And with you
I am reborn (repeat)

Even though its the only visit
Even though the call will only get cut short
Even though your words are scrambled

I want to hear your voice
I want to hear your voice
I want to hear your voice
I want to hear your voice


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